I don’t know what I’m feeling

Well, I have anxiety and I have since I was maybe 11 or 12. But recently, I’m just feeling down almost all the time.

I’m a teenager, and just moved to a new school. I’ve made some great friends as well. But lately I’ve been always thinking “You’re not good enough for them.” Or “You’re a bad friend and they do too much for you.” And I believe it.

I’ve been putting myself down so much lately, and it got bad the other day and I had a huge panic attack in class, but somehow I hid it and no one seemed to notice. I was gonna meet with my friends after school but since it was last period I just said hi and quickly ran away.

Yesterday my friend asked me to be his girlfriend, I really wanted to say no, but I didn’t want to hurt his feelings because I’m a very sympathetic person, so I said yes.

Just constantly in the back of my mind it’s just me screaming to myself “You’re not good enough for your friends, they don’t deserve you!” “Your friends don’t like you, they just feel sorry for you since you’re the new kid!” “YOU DON’T MATTER!”

It’s killing me. I don’t know what to do. Sorry this post is all over the place but please if you know what’s wrong with me or anything, comment.

Thank you❤️