Sibling rant

So I have a sister who is 4 years younger than me (I’m 17 she’s 13) We share a room but she stays at her dads most of the time anyway, but when she does come over she makes such a mess and never cleans up after herself then complains about the room being a dirty. (She’ll literally leave her dirty and clean clothes all over the floor, leaves food wrappers everywhere and will have multiple cups in the room)

So I was nice enough to clean her mess up today and she screamed at me for “losing her underwear” When I literally just put all her clothes she has into the backpack she had carried them in. She’s accusing me of taking her new pair of Victoria’s Secret underwear when I put them in the backpack??? Also, I wouldn’t steal underwear, that’s just fucking weird. So we got into this big fight and she starts insulting me and comments about my weight (something she knows I struggle with and is a big insecurity of mine) and tells me to kill myself.