Absolutely no help

I love my boyfriend dearly. We have one daughter (she’s 2) together and I’m currently 4 months pregnant with our second baby. He works full time Monday through Friday and I’m a stay at home mom, not for lack of wanting to work but because it would cost us too much money to go back to work with babysitters and gas for my truck. So I handle all the house chores. But I haven’t been feeling well the last 4 months. As you could imagine. Vomiting, consist nausea, tired, etc. I’ve been keeping up with grocery shopping, laundry and trash days. But picking up the house I could use some help. Especially on weekends when he just trash’s it. I means trash’s the house. I took my daughter to a birthday party yesterday and just told him to stay home since it was Saturday and he just worked all week, all I asked him to do was pick up a little. Do a few dishes, clean the litter box, vacuum, clean up the table from breakfast, etc. Just something. But when I got home SIX hours later nothing was done but more mess was added. Our coffee table now had dominos all over it. He had smoked weed in the house (the rule is outside on the porch only). The litter box that I can’t change is still uncleaned. No vacuuming and breakfast things still out. Kitchen was even messier from him looking for snacks. All I wanted was a little bit of pickup since he was staying home. Just something! Yet I get nothing. And this is all the time. He’s gotten to be the most lazy person in the past 9 months and its unbelievable. He wants blow jobs but too tired for sex. He wants me to take his work boots off and get his clothes out for the next day so he “doesn’t wake the baby up in the morning looking for stuff” (a baby who sleeps through everything). I’ve done the litter box more times then him while I’ve been pregnant. I start his car in the morning. I let him sleep in and take naps whenever. But anyways, to my main rant. Today was suppose to be family day, he woke up at 10 and we went got food. Now he’s been asleep for 4 hours. Even though I asked for a small nap which literally would have been an hour. So now I’m tired and picking up his mess from yesterday and then some.