Anyone elses baby being a turd??


Mine is 🙋‍♀️ he is still up every 2 hours at night, he has reflux so he only wants 2 or 3oz at a time because he knows more hurts his belly. And during the day HE DOES NOT NAP. he naps maybe 20 mins. Or less. Sometimes if I'm lucky he gets 2 hours but that's only once a day and it's like if we are in the car etc. Today of course, he won't sleep longer than 20 mins and I'm super sick. My throat hurts so bad, coughing like crazy and I'm just run down. I just want a nap! Uuggghhh. He's 11 weeks. Whhyyyyy. He also keep putting his hand in my mouth so I'm sure he's gunna get my germs and get sick :(