Teething or something else?


My little girl (9 months old) has gotten three teeth in so far and it seems with each tooth the symptoms get worse. She has her two bottoms and one top. I can see the second top one right beneath the surface, it’s getting ready to cut through the gum which I know is the most painful part. I’m wondering if it’s teething or something more, like the flu, but the last two days she has had a low grade fever (100 degrees) and she has been soooooo drowsy . I gave her Motrin for the temp and that helped. She’s barely able to stay up for her wake windows and I have to pull out all the tricks to keep her awake. She then she takes longer than normal naps and I end up having to wake her. Also the last couple nights she has been sleeping 13 hours (from 7pm- 8:45am) . Could this be teething or does it sound like she might have flu like symptoms? She has been eating (nursing) just fine and producing tons of wet and dirty diapers and her temp wasn’t high enough (over 104) to call the doctor. Have any of your little ones experienced extreme fatigue when teething? I’ve heard that they don’t sleep when teething but not this. It worries me. She is super fussy when she is awake and wants to be held the entire time too.