Idk what to do anymore

Long story short my life is a shit mess. One things that’s happened today is basically my 15 y/o cousin has just got a job in a cafe for Saturdays, I’m 17.. 18 in a month and haven’t had a job yet, it’s not that I don’t want to it’s just I physically can’t.. I’m at college (UK) from Monday-Wednesday from 9-6 Tuesdays and Fridays I have compulsory volunteering 8:30-3:30 and the spaces I have between then I like to get my assignments done then I have Saturday which I like to spend with my boyfriend considering it’s the only day I see him which I struggle with already and then sundays is usually more assignments for college it just general house work etc. Now my problem is since my cousin got this job my mum and dad have been saying how I shouldn’t get one saying it’s embarrassing on their behalf when idk how I’m gong to fit it all in, and no I don’t have any other social life I haven’t been out or seen my friends in about 5 months, it really puts me down knowing I’m an embarrassment to them and I just don’t know what to do, do I end my 3 year relationship with my boyfriend so I can work on Saturdays?? Idek anymofe ;/

Should probably mention my boyfriend can only see me certain time Saturday between 9-3 only as he has work 5 onwards and the rest he can’t because his family are strict asf