I quit


Motherhood is....

Washing the bedding because your kid wet the bed then putting the fresh sheet on the bed only to have your kid with a messy diaper. Trying to tag team on the diaper change but he still manages to touch the poop all over his hands and legs then he pees again on the fresh sheet you just put on the bed.

All while spending your morning trying to fix the washer that is not working. 30 weeks pregnant sitting on the laundry room floor. Waiting for new appliances to arrive. Food out of the fridge too long cause the delivery is taking forever for your new appliances.

Playing catch up on laundry now for everyone else. Someone give me a raise 😂

The things we do for the people we love 💁🏻 my little guy is currently playing with the pots and pans in the living room because the cupboard is empty for the water line installation for the fridge.

This mom deserves a trip to the nail salon. Shout out to all the moms making it happen.