HELP. How do you not lose your mind at home?

I was a SAHM for almost a year and got pregnant again during that time. At 6 months pregnant I explained to my husband I could not stay home anymore because I was literally going crazy. I would cry for no reason, wouldn’t shower for days, skip meals, it was bad. That’s I started doing hair again part time, even being 6 months pregnant. and we put my son in daycare. My daughter is due next month and I know I have to stop working again and be home for a while. We plan to keep my son in daycare part time so I can rest, but my goodness, the thought of staying home all day everyday again makes me so scared.

I know people will say I need to get out and stay busy. And I tried with my son! I had a list of chores I’d make myself accountable for, i would go to the park, Barnes & Nobel, the mall. But he couldn’t be out long without getting upset and I felt like a prisoner. That was with one, I can only imagine how hard it will be to get out with 2. I’m not trying to complain, I know I’m fortunate to be home and have healthy babies. I’m just scared of falling back into that deep, depressed state I was in the first time around.

How do you guys stay sane at home? Have you ever been depressed asa SAHM? How did you overcome that?