might have depression ?? lmk


please read my story and let me know if you think this would be considered depression or not? because i don’t want to self diagnose. but for the past couple of months, i’ve felt increasingly less and less like myself. i’ve distanced myself from all of my closest friends and recently even started distancing myself from my boyfriend. ive gone through a lot of trauma in the past year or so including being raped, being cheated on, and dealing with the death of my grandfather, and i feel like every bad thing in my life has just been piling up and i’ve finally hit my breaking point where i can’t handle it any more. my grades in school have plummeted, which doesnt seem to even affect me like it would’ve a year or two ago. on the outside i still keep up my bubbly, happy, optimistic personality, but deep down i’ve noticed so many changes in my behaviors and feelings. i cry over something at least once every day, sometimes over stupid things but often times just at the fact that i feel like my life is horrible. i don’t know if i should see a doctor or therapist or what, but i just know i am not who i used to be. something that may be contributing to this could be my birth control that i started 3 months ago, because i’ve heard stories about girls who develop depression from the pill. i’m not sure what the cause of these feelings are, but i just want them to go away soon so i can feel like myself again. please lmk what y’all think of all this and also give me any advice you may have or if you’ve ever been in a similar situation. thanks so much. <3