Question regarding my child’s father


This question is a little long-so bear with me.

So, my 3 year olds father hasn’t really ever been in the picture. The pregnancy was the result of a hook up and I soon realized I was going to have no support from him(alcoholic, started claiming the child wasn’t his, etc) so I moved out of state to be near family where I’d have the most support and help. I have gone back to visit a couple times and have a fairly good relationship with his family, who I’ve spent holidays with, etc. The father has come around somewhat when I’ve been in town but seemed more interested in spending time with me rather than our son.

Fast forward to the present and he has a new girlfriend who has a child. Since being with her(about 2 months or so) he has been very communicative, asking about our son, sending small child support payments, etc. so I think this girl may be good in the sense that I think she’s encouraging him to try to be a better father. He recently has told me he’d like to start video calling our son so they can start building some sort of a relationship. I would love that, I would like my son to know he has a father, and get to know him. However, knowing this guy and his habits, he most likely won’t be dating this girl long term and I’m afraid that once he stops dating her he’ll go back to not giving a crap about our son. I guess my question is-how exactly should I approach this situation? I want to at least give him a chance. Do I have them develop a more “friend” like relationship instead of father/son at first? Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Just trying to do what’s best for my 3 year old.