Step kids

Omg I really just need to rant for a minute but I mean and advice is appreciated.

So my boyfriend is Mexican and he makes fun of me and calls me white which I am when I go out and buy my 5 month old books and development toys.

His 4 year old loves all the books and toys I buy my son. Only problem is he doesn’t discipline his kids. So she just leaves the toys all over the floor, I’m finding books all over the house damaged. None of the toys ever get turned off, just wasting batteries. Like how is it fair that my sons stuff is getting ruined before he even has a chance to use it.

Why do I have to make up for the fact her parents thought it was “white” to read their kids bedtime stories.

Just seriously annoys me, oh also I’m not aloud to discipline her. If I so much as change my tone of voice with her, my boyfriend gets angry with me. And then leaves me home alone with a 4 year old he’s taught not to listen or respect me.