Why is my toddler doing this 😞

My heart just broke a little.

My 1 soon to be 2 year old is a very strong willed child. I mean he is something else. Not the little angel baby 1st child typically are.

Well the past couple days he's been doing this thing where when he cried from throwing a fit because he's not getting his way, he will cover his ears.

Well just now I raised my voice at him because he went to get off the couch and landed right on our puppy and sat there on him. So it wasn't just an accident, and he does this all the time with our other dog. Which we tell him every single time to no climb or sit on the dogs. So when I raised my voice just now he covered his ears 😭😭😭. I don't yell him alot, I might raise my voice in that stern way but I never ever scream at him.

Is this just toddler behavior? It broke my heart cause he made me feel terrible now.