Mother’s Day, who do you spend it with?

For Mother’s Day, who do you spend it with? You’re wife/children, or mother?

It’s my first Mother’s Day and I was hoping to do something as a family. That being said, it doesn’t mean I’m pushing my so’s mother to the side and by all means, he can go spend it with her... I just don’t want to. I’ve spent the last month... every single weekend doing some type of family function, I just want a break. I just want to sleep in and not wake up rushed. For Mother’s Day, alls I wanted was a good nights rest.... is it really to much to ask for?

He seems to have an issue with this and actually started a huge fight. I’ve stood by my opinion and that is being that we’re a family and we can do something as one and see my mom and his mom later in the week... my mom has no problem with this as she understands being a mom can be hard and this day is supposed to appreciate you and that I just need to rest it’s been go go go literally since I’ve had her and she’s four months! I can’t remember when that last time I’ve slept for more than 4 hours a night total.