Desperate to get baby out of my bed!!


My son is 4 months old now and I've been trying to stop co sleeping for over a month. We initially did because he refused to sleep anywhere but my SO and I arms and we needed sleep especially after my SO went back to work. Well my son still wakes up every 2 hours at night to eat! I'm exhausted. I can't do it anymore. I have tried putting my shirt down in his crib, sleeping with his blanket then tucking tight in the crib, white noise, music, a fan, feeding from a bottle at night instead of breast, put to crib fully asleep, putting in crib drowsy but not asleep, soothing without picking him up, and last night I even tried interval CIO (which I hate but I'm desperate). And still nothing. He fought the interval CIO for 3 hours last night! 3 hours of letting him cry for 5 mins, soothing back to sleep or to put him down and him wake up a few minutes later and then doing it all over again. I tried extending the time he cried until 10 minutes as I couldn't stand it any longer and it still didn't work. I need him out of my bed! My SO has slept on the couch since we brought him home because he's scared of rolling in bed. I need my space back.