Help! Need to get 5 year old out of my bed!


I have a 5 year old and a 9 month old. They share a room. My oldest has bunk beds and sleeps on the bottom bunk. LO is in a pack n play. My oldest bedshared for about 3 months. Then went into her own bed. She would only bedshare when sick and easily went back to sleeping in her bed. We moved 2 years ago and since then she has refused to sleep in her room. We tried letting her pick out her room color, decorations, bed sheets, even her bed. Then we bought her bunk beds in hopes that she would sleep in there and could have sleep overs with her cousin. Nope. She fights tooth and nail to go to bed. Then passes out on the couch. My husband will put her to bed and then some nights she’ll sleep through or wake up and make her way to her bed. Since she shares a room with her baby sister, we haven’t made her “cry it out” or anything since we don’t want her waking her sister. We need advice, tips, anything. How do we get her to sleep in her own damn bed???? Not to mention, my husband doesn’t sleep in the bed while she’s in there, not enough space for the 3 of us in a queen size bed.