Probably gonna get broken up soon. Don't know how to deal

Alright so my boyfriend of 2 years is going to college in the fall and I begin my senior year of high school next fall too. We've had the "he's going to college" talk about a month ago, and recently he's been so distant and stoic. I feel like it's a chore for him to hug me or text me goodnight like we used to. I'd talk to him but he's really stressed out because it's the end of the school year and all that- and I dont want an answer from him influenced by stress if you know what I mean. Part of me has accepted the fact we probably wont be together within 6 months, or even 3, for we are just 2 individuals in a world so much larger than us that is full of opportunities. Yet another part of me refuses to accept this reality, for why should fear falter a relationship... it was so good and strong for 2 years and why now does everything have to change. I just feel like he doesn't love me anymore or is at least trying not to. Anyways. I don't know what to do, how to approach him, or what to say. If anyone has advice, has been in a similar situation, or really has anything to say I welcome it all. Thank you to everyone in this community because I've posted here several times and hear from the greatest people.