Watching her struggle

My friend and I were talking about what kind of dogs I might want in the future. I told her 3 dogs when my boyfriend and I get married and own a house someday. I first said a pug, and she immediately interrupted me and said “NEVER get a pug! They go through inbreeding and they have horrible breathing issues. It’s cruel.” O...k?So the next dog I said was a husky. AGAIN, she interrupted me and said “Never get a husky unless you’re ready to commit. They’re hard to train, they’re very active, they have to go on 4 mile walks, they’re talkative, and their coats have to be kept thick and clean. They’re very high maintenance dogs.” Might I add here, SHE has a husky. He lives in a VERY small ONE room (Besides the bathroom) “house”, that was built (by them) to fit only her and her boyfriend, that’s filled with 4 other dogs, 5 cats, 4 lizards, 4 snakes, and 4 tarantulas. I don’t wanna be rude here, but I don’t think she has a place to talk about animal care, let alone think she can lecture me on what dogs Im wanting to get and take care of WHEN I CAN AFFORD IT someday. I get she wants to be a veterinarian, but it’s gone too far.

She can barley afford to keep any of her animals fed let alone herself and her boyfriend. They’re both part time, All of her cats are unfixed, and her dogs are all cramped up in this small space of a “house” unless they go out into the backyard. She’s 20 and weighs 118 pounds because her whole paycheck PLUS her boyfriends paycheck goes towards rent to his parents, and the rest to food for the animals, not them. I don’t have the heart to tell her she needs to prioritize her and her boyfriend’s health, and to get rid of some animals. She’s constantly sick because of how underweight she is, and her boyfriend isn’t happy with how many animals she owns. He doesn’t like animals, and ever since she’s moved in with him, SHE took over the entire place and made it hers. The only space he has is a desk in the corner of the room. That’s it. She’s also taken over his parent’s garage for the mice/rat breeding.

I guess all I can do is sit back and watch. It’s not going to end well, and I hate seeing them both in their own different kinds of pain.