Poor cat


I want to start this saying I am not mad at my cat, he my little buddy and I love him dearly, he didn't do anything on purpose obviously.

So I'm 6m pregnant. My husband and I are moving, we only got 3 weeks notice and we're moving 12hrs away. It's been extremely stressful and expensive. We both work full time, come home after a long day, pack clean and get ready. All the moving costs are draining most of our savings (over $4k that we didn't know we were going to have to spend until a week and a half ago).

So we have a kitten named touli. He has kept me SANE thru this whole process. He's 29w old and just started getting his adult teeth. And BOTH of his upper baby canines are retained. I have no clue what we're gonna do. He has an appointment for shots (I know he's a little behind on his schedule, I feel awful but the vet is a two and a half hour drive, between my ob appointments and work I've gotten back. He is indoor only with to fully vaxxed siblings so my vet says it's ok as long as he gets them), so they're gonna look at his teeth then. We've NEVER had a problem paying for ANY vet care our cats needed. $2k oral surgery for our old kitty (has since passed). Done. Best skin care they offer for Aiurs skin infection when we got her? Done. EVERYTHING. But we literally don't have the money to get him surgery if his retained teeth are an issue. Or the time as his appointment is Tuesday and we leave Saturday. I feel like an awful pet parent. I'm really hoping the vet tells us they came in in an ok angle and placement and the baby teeth are loose so it'll just resolve by itself. But I don't know what I'm gonna do if he needs surgery. 😭😭