Another loss...


So today me and my BF found out that the little embryo doesn’t have an heartbeat and it should... with my dates I should be 7 weeks and 4 days but my cycle is longer than 28 days after the two early miscarriages I had in the past couple of months. Today the embryo was about 5 weeks 5 days and it was expecting to be at least 6 weeks and an heartbeat. The doctor could not confirm at 100% the embryo had stopped growing so we need to go back Wednesday morning for another ultrasound. This time I had sore boobs and fatigue ... no blood...we were so sure this time was our time. I am 41 and he is 38... a baby has been a dream for us but life made us meet late in our lives so time is running out. This time I even stepped away from the Glow forums because it was causing me anxiety... I kept reading about what could go wrong and read all the miscarriages. I took time away from Glow to help me get through the days and weeks without worrying too much and help me deal with my anxiety. I feel like I am in shock today and I am

trying to keep faith but this loss is hitting me hard. This morning I went to the ultrasound thinking and believing I would see a little heartbeat... I came back home feeling lost and empty! I know this little embryo is still inside and will be until they decide what to do but I feel empty. Such high hopes came crashing down in a couple of seconds...

I thought it was our time!