I don’t know how to feel..

Let me start by saying when my partner and I got together we both agreed this type of behaviour is unacceptable from both of us, i understand a lot of couples think it’s no big deal but we both knew at the start of the relationship... so to put it plainly he has been looking up inappropriate profiles/hashtags on Instagram.. he says it was a one time thing but I’m not so sure because he usually clears his search history so I’d really never know if he did. I’m honestly just so hurt because just the other day I expressed how insecure I’ve been feeling about my body since having our second child 3 months ago and then I find out he’s looking at multiple porn profiles (🙄 thanks that makes me feel sooo much better) I guess I’m kinda hoping venting might help 🤷🏼‍♀️ (I’m not going to be leaving him I’m just fucking hurt)