

I am a 15 year old mom who wants to take my sons father to court for child support and supervised visitations. If you aren’t new to my page then you may already know I’ve been having problems with my baby daddy helping pay for things and helping out with our son. Also you may know that every time our son goes over to his house he either comes home sick or with bites/hives/rash all over his body. I send him to day care perfectly fine and by the time he comes home on Sunday he has “rash/hives/bites” all over him or he is sick. Our son sees his dad maybe two weekends every 3-4 weeks or whenever he is able to come out and get him. I’ve been holding off on court for the mere fact that it can be dramatic at times and I don’t want to put my 6 month old baby through all of that, but enough is enough and I need to do something about this. I know for a fact that his father used to smoke pot, but I’m not sure if he still does you see he makes side comments and jokes that lead me to believe that he may still be smoking and that concerns me very much. And the fact that his dad doesn’t tell me anything that goes on when he is there bothers me. When I ask what happened I never get an answer or I get the answer “I don’t know it just showed up”

What do you think is best and if you can give mean any advice or informs one what I need for court that would be great.