Thought I was done having children


They are mentally and emotionally draining. On top of that I have bad anxiety that sucks my energy out of me. I have a 12 year old that I had at 17 years old and a 3 year old, they are my absolute world and after meeting husband I knew I was going to have at least one more child, I had BAD baby fever right before we decided we were ready for another, after having my second daughter my baby fever went away and I never had that same urgent feeling of wanting another child so my husband and I have been talking about him getting a vasectomy because we feel complete with our two girls. We also are looking forward to some kid free time when we are older and don't want to add on any more stress a new baby may come with. I thought we were 100% done and felt good with that decision.

Well...yesterday while out and about with the family we were waiting in line to get some ice cream and this lady was holding a baby in front of us in line (mind you I have seen and even held a ton of babies since my 3 year old was born and never felt a thing) all of those baby fever feelings came back OMG I was just examining this little ones little baby rolls, little fingers, its hair and its little toes. I am completely shocked that these feelings that I thought I was100% over just all of a sudden rush back in my brain like they almost have never left😭 I'm not ready for another baby and probably never will be so I think these feelings are here to stay unfortunately and it's really upsetting. I have even told other women "the baby fever feelings will pass" as they certainly did for me for a little bit...but here I am.