Will I ovulate this cycle? Post CP


I suffered a chemical on July 11 which puts me at CD21 today. I have yet to ovulate, temps have been static (but higher than last cycles pre-O) and no positive OPKs. I usually O CD20/21 (confirmed with OPKs) and have a short luteal phase. My CP bleeding ended on July 13 where I then started to have massive PMS, a huge bbt drop and then another heavy flow began July 14-July 17. If I use that cycle date, it puts me at CD18, so still another 2 days until my ovulation would be due. I believe my body tried to ovulate (had EWCM, major bloat, backaches, cramps) around CD15 but was unsuccessful. Today I noticed extremely fertile CM (the clearest I’ve ever seen), had a massive migraine last night and nausea. Is it normal to ovulate late or simply not at all after a chemical?