Is this fair?

So I saved up some money to get a new phone (on contract) as I dont have one, but my mum needed money so she borrowed the £80 that i saved. When me and my sister were messing about, I accidentally made a hole in my room's door, and my mum said I had to pay for it to get it replaced. I was like 'okay buy a door from the money you owe me and just give me back the change'. The door costed £30, so I had £50 left, but my mum decided that I should also pay her boyfriend £50 for installing it (which took like 10 minutes). She probably did it so she didnt have to give me back my money. Now I'm left with no money and no phone, school starts in two weeks and theres now way i'll be able to save up enough money to get a phone till then.

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