Milk Production dropped


My daughter is almost 4 weeks old, I’ve been expressing breast milk since she was born as she latches on but spits out the milk once she gets a mouthful. When we bottle feed she only drinks milk at room temperature so not sure if that could be why but even with help from midwives and health visitors I can’t get her to actually drink milk once she latches. At 1/2 weeks I was expressing almost 5/6 ounces each time I expressed but recently it’s dropped, sometimes I manage 3 ounces but most the time it’s 1/2.

I express every 3 hours during the day and recently have been expressing twice during the night as well (which I didn’t used to do until my supply started dropping) but my milk production is still really bad and I’m having to use formula to feed baby as well as breast milk because I just don’t produce anywhere near what she drinks.

I drink plenty during the day and have lots of skin on skin with baby so I’m not sure what to do to increase my milk supply 😩 any advice would be really appreciated because at this rate my milks going to dry up and I’ll have no choice but to just formula feed! Thanks in advance.