National Rainbow Baby Day /Trigger/

Maybe I am seeing the wrong posts, but all day today I've seen the posts on National Rainbow Baby Day talking about miscarriage.

Now, I'm in no way saying that loss is in anyway minor, but shouldnt it also involve the parents who have had stillborns, SIDS, or Birth Injury related deaths?

I understand that rainbow baby is a general term for a baby born after the loss of one before them, but every in depth post has spoken of miscarriage and hasnt touched the other ways babies have died. It would be nice to have our struggles also recognized on this day in my opinion.

I've suffer from two miscarriages and one stillborn, so I understand that pain just like anyone else, I just believe if you are going to mention one you should also mention the other common deaths instead of just not mentioning them.

Again, maybe I am seeing the wrong posts but that's how I feel about the posts I have seen. 😓

Update : I'm also not talking about personal posts, like if you posted about your rainbow after a miscarriage. I 100% understand that a lot of people dont experience stillborn, SIDS, Etc as much as Miscarriages. I was more referring to the huge corporations, the facebook pages, etc when they made posts they acknowledged miscarriage without mentioning the other ways babies die.

I wouldnt expect someone who hasnt had a stillborn to write about it, but OBGYN clinics that have made posts, or businesses that have mentioned the importance of today I think should be held to a different standard in what to expect.

As for the women who was told "you shouldn't miss what you have lost" I hope you cut those people out of your life, no one should be treated like their loss is any less than anyone else's, regardless of gestation, cause, anything. Everyone's loss will hurt, when a young heart stops beating I believe it should shake the world. I'm so sorry you had to go through that, and just know that your baby meant just as much as everyone elses and will always have a spot in your heart. 💙