Man it’s been a hell of a two years, I need good vibes ladies!!


So I have had about 4 miscarriages in the past 4 years and I had a ectopic pregnancy two years ago September 25th 2017 which resulted in me losing my baby and my left Fallopian tube. I was with my fiancé for 7 years his name was Kurt and man we tried to get pregnant because he had no kids I have a 12 year old son. But boy We were crushed about the loss of our baby and my Fallopian tube, mind you I already suffered from infertility I have scar tissue around my tubes. But After we healed from it all my fiancé cheated on me with a girl man from work who was married and had three kids one with leukemia (her youngest) and he got her pregnant and he left me in May 2018. I was devastated! I moved on slowly but surely and now I am with my amazing fantastic hubster Dakota aka cody. We just got home from his birthday trip to Miami! Which was amazing, anyway I just could feel I was pregnant. And turns out two positive pregnancy tests later yep I am pregnant I was sent to the hospital to get my blood tested due to my terrible history. my HCG LEVEL was 380 this past Friday he had me repeat the test again Sunday 9/8 and my level was 919! That’s never happened to me so needless to say I am ecstatic!!! But today I’m having some mild cramping in my upper and lower abdomen and some minor back pain. But I also haven’t had a bow movement in a week ya girl is hella constipated! Ladies please give me some positive words of wisdom and is this normal?? I’m not spotting or bleeding just very uncomfortable! I don’t want to stress so much and lose another baby! Please help id like to hear some other ladies symptoms and stories just to keep my mind out of hell 🥰🥰🥰