How many times

How many times do I have to tell him I can’t eat certain food?

How many times do I need to say it?

Do I have to scream? Cry? What do I need to do to get my point across?

I’ve been patiently explaining to him over and over again. I’m reaching a boiling point so I just walk away so I’m not yelling at him.

I’m beyond frustrated because no one is getting I can’t keep certain foods down. Not him or his parents.

I can’t eat Taco Bell. I have tried and can’t keep it down. I tried eating a burrito from Taco Bell and couldn’t even swallow it or else it was going to come up as I was gagging mid chew.

I can’t eat ramen noodles. It’s something about the smell that is a hard no.

I can’t eat beef for whatever reason it won’t stay down.

I can eat wings, a chicken sandwich and fries. I have proven this fact because they don’t make me vomit.

There’s nothing besides grapes that I am able to keep down. That’s all I ate last night were grapes.

His parents haven’t bought groceries cause they want to use my food stamps. Well now they’re going to have to buy groceries because my food stamps got cancelled today. The caseworker I had was lazy and just dumb. She didn’t put in any of my information correctly which I called and told them. They said there’s nothing they could do but I have to reapply. I don’t even want the food stamps. I just want Medicaid for me and my baby but the caseworker fucked that up too by not putting in the proof of pregnancy. I gave her the proof of pregnancy paper and this bitch didn’t put it into the system nor did she put the number in for the place I worked to contact them for verification.

I am just trying to stay calm for the rest of the day. Maybe I should get a stress ball and count more.