I don’t know what we’re gonna do.

Karissa • Mommy of a 9 year old little man (6/9/13) , 4 year old little man (9/13/17) and a 5 months baby boy (6/13/22)💙💙 RIP My Angel 9/23/2020👼.

My SO just lost his job. I am now the only income. I make half of what he makes if not less and there is no way we can make it off my income only. We have 2 car payments, rent, utilities, phones, internet etc. it all adds up to more than I make in a month. I’m so stressed and all I wanna do is cry. He was let go due to a mistake that they didn’t believe was truly a mistake. Mind you he has NEVER been in trouble at work the whole 6 years he has been there. He just got promoted earlier this year. I just don’t understand. All I can think about is what am I gonna do? How am I gonna care for my two babies and him? How can I make sure we have food in our bellies, roof over our head and warmth in our house when I can barley afford my part of rent. Plus winter is upon us. It’s just so bad. 😢😭😰 Thanks for listening. Anyone who has been through it can give advice. It’s needed for sure.