My grades tell me im not smart. (Updated!!!)


I'm fucking smart and no one can tell me otherwise. I'm a good student in every class expect for one. My Spanish teacher can't do her job and I don't learn anything. I have all A's and one D because of that stupid class. I've stayed up until 12:30, 11:30, and 11 these last three days just trying to get my homework done and I still can't do all of it. I haven't told my parents about that, who are yelling at me because of my grade, or else they'll be mad at me for staying up late.

Grades are so fucking stupid because they don't reflect how smart or motivated a person is. I've wrote three novels in a year in a half, yet because I have a D that drives down my confidence. I don't feel like I'm not smart enough for college, or maybe everything else was a fluke.

I'm so fustrated trying to balance my life, get my grade up even though I haven't learned what I need to to do that. I can't get it. I don't understand whats wrong. I'm not a bad student, why is this happening?

Update- My Spanish teacher has since gotten fired, and no, not on account of me. I didn't complain to anyone, I had nothing to do with it. So yeah, guess I won't need to worry about that as much now.