Public/School Bathrooms


Okay so, I appreciate that most bathrooms have a dispenser for tampons and napkins, but, I hate that we have to use at least a quarter to actually get said tampon. Like, why? Not many people actually carry change or even bills anymore. Some girls/woman forget to take pads/tampons/m-cups with them and they desperately need one. This is something that happens naturally in almost every woman’s body! I get we gotta pay to buy them at stores, but if you’re in school, in the bathroom and suddenly...BAM! You’re bleeding. You don’t have anything on you and it’s the beginning of class so you can’t call a friend. Maybe you’re out grocery shopping by yourself just to pick up a few things and the same damn thing happens. You don’t have any quarters? Well shit you’re out of luck! I think they should have a little basket with just a couple of pads and tampons in every woman’s bathroom. I mean, in big stores they could be used as samplers to try different brands of said feminine hygiene products. You find a new one you like? That’s great! They sell them there for cheap compared to other stores, they make a profit, you save your pants, it’s a win win situation.

I also get that some people would take them for the sake of not having to buy them but still, you never know when you’re going to be in that situation and you really need one.

Another thing, I actually love that my school has a social justice group. The teacher in charge of said group is a female. I don’t know if it had anything to do with this but, recently there have been little bins in our girls bathrooms with hygiene products. There’s pads, tampons, shampoo and conditioner samples, tooth brushes and toothpaste, lotion samples and stuff like that. It’s a little project they’re doing and I think all schools should do something like this. It’s very helpful in more then one way, and I’m sure many young woman have been very grateful for it, I know I have.

Out of curiosity, how many people agree with anything I just said? It is mainly a rant but I also kinda wish this would actually go somewhere. It probably won’t yet but that’s okay. Thanks for reading this rant!😅