Advice: Am I wrong for not wanting my husband to joke about “If he married the right woman”?

I’m a newly wed. My husband and I got married on Oct 9. He is a jokester(Likes to make people laugh)

I’ve expressed to him that some things shouldn’t be joked about.

We went to the mall today and it’s a girl there that both him and I enjoy talking to. She’s a sweetheart but he likes to joke when they share things in common he’ll say things like “Did I marry the right woman” although I know he is joking it low key bothers me that he even feels comfortable joking like that.

I would never want to give my husband any doubt and I definitely wouldn’t joke like that because I know he wouldn’t take it well. Although he says he will. I strongly doubt it though!!

This is my second time mentioning it to him and he insists that I want to find something to be upset about. So he disregard my feelings.

Am I wrong for not wanting my husband to joke about “If he married the right woman”?