No fetal pole in yolk sac? 8w4d


So my 4yr old told me I had a baby in my tummy last month then I go to a conference 2days later, only to see a name badge on the table of my daughter who was stillborn 5yrs ago. My friends joke and say I’m pregnant and beg me to take a test. Because of these two reasons I purchased a test and it was positive.

Went to the doc three days later, positive pee test and hcg at 299. No baby but my cervical lining was thickening

Went again oct 2, no baby but not a gestational sac. Oct 7, no baby but yolk sac and hcg at 16,069

Oct 14 no baby but yolk sac

Oct 28 no baby but yolk sac

Took another blood test. Doc suggested my body absorbed the baby and my blood results today will give them direction. On the other hand she says it’s possible my dates could be wrong and trying to remain hopeful but according to my lmp 8/29/19 or date we had sex 9/10/19 I should definitely be 8wks.

No pain, no bleeding, lots of bloating and craving pasta.

I’m so confused


10/29 Went for a second opinion and this office found a baby measuring 4.4mm which is about 6w1d but no heartbeat. I’m praying the dates are off speaking a heartbeat into existence...