Dreading tomorrow

I finally gave in and accepted that I probably have PPD. My son will be 5 months in 2 weeks and I’m so over feeling sad, anxious and irritable. My husband is never around as he is a surgical resident. My family is 5 hours away. I have some friends through church but they all have young kids and I feel trapped inside by my son’s naps.

I am getting to the point where I dread tomorrow. I feel relief when I finally get my 1.5 year old daughter and 4 month old son to bed, but then I anticipate waking up and doing my same lonely routine at home over again. It will be nice when my daughter is a little older and we can actually play games or do arts and crafts. Right now, she is terrible at following directions. My little guy also is not a fan of this new cold we are getting in Minnesota despite him being bundled up. So he doesn’t do well on walks.

I’m on day two of starting lexapro. I know it takes weeks to work. But I guess with that whole rant I am basically saying, I hate dreading tomorrow 😞