Weight loss

Weight has always been a struggle for me and It’s always made me very self conscious, I’m currently 13, about 5’4 and I weigh 192.6 lbs. I know, it’s a lot. all of my friends call me beautiful and say that I’m perfect the way I am cause I have what every boy wants (curvy ish body). Even tho I receive these compliments, I don’t feel comfortable in my body.All of my friends weigh under 160 and it makes me very sad whenever they call themselves fat. Ive been trying to lose weight many ways but I end up gaining more. The thing is, I don’t. Look like I weigh as much as I do, and I always shock doctors. I’ve tried drinking hot, sugar free tea daily, reducing carbs, exercising, etc. I was wondering if you ladies have any tips, apps for weight loss, ANYTHING at all is appreciated. Thank you very much and wish me luck on this journey that I’ve been trying to start for a long time.😔