is it worth it?

long story short, i had a thing with this guy during the summer when we were both home. we both are at different colleges about 7 hours away from each other and he can never visit home because he’s super busy and gets limited time to take days off. I started really liking him towards the end of summer right before we both had to leave again. We still talk pretty much every day but it’s not how it used to be right after we both left bc at that time we would text/call/or facetime each other every day. now it’s just a couple texts to see how each others day is going. i still really like this guy but i just don’t know where it’s going and i’m wondering if i should keep trying since we’re going to see each other again during christmas break or if i should break it off. It’s kind of been playing with my emotions because i have no idea what he’s feeling about the whole thing or if he would even care if we don’t talk anymore. just kind of need some advice if i should keep putting effort into something that might not even work out in the long run since we never see each other.