Announcement didnt go as planned🙃

Lacey • Mama to Ocean Zari 09.28.18💗 & Ollie Zander 05.22.20💙 Luna La’Rae 07.09.22💖

So last pregnancy we were way too excited to wait so we told everybody immediately but this pregnancy (second) we waited the whole 12 weeks & wanted to do something cute and we had a whole picture announcement and everything! So finally the day comes to break the news and me and my boyfriend have the cute picture printed and we are gonna tell my dad first because i figured he would be the most excited. We were going to announce on Thanksgiving to the whole family but honestly I didn't want to make the whole day about us so we decided to tell the grandparents in person and send everybody else a text with the same pictures but anyways so my dad comes over to our house & after a bit we give my dad the photo and tell him that we have some cute pics from when we went to the pumpkin patch. First off, he doesnt have his glasses on or with him at all🙄 so im thinking oh boy here we go lol so hes looking at the picture and he doesnt get it.. like at all. He looks at the pumpkin pic and is like 'oh thats cute' then He thinks the picture of the sonogram is of our daughter who is now 1, so then I asked him 'do you understand what I'm trying to tell you?' and his mouth literally drops like this for a whole minute!

And his only response was 'you guys are nuts' & 'obviously you werent on any kind of birth control' like no shit. Then the whole visit just kind of carried on with a bunch of 'ohhhhh boy's & 'ooooooookay's so that was a bust. My boyfriend kept squeezing my knee the whole time trying to keep me from crying. And when we sent out the text message to the fam, everybody responds to say 'oh I already knew it' LIKE YOU DIDNT KNOW SHIT SHUT UP AND JUST CONGRATULATE US! My aunt even had the nerve to say 'you better get your tubes tied the same day you give birth' LIKE WTF THIS IS ONLY OUR SECOND CHILD & WHO ARE YOU TO SAY SUCH THING. Me and my boyfriend really tried our very best to hide this from everybody for so long and in no way was I ever showing any signs to anybody cause i wanted it to be a suprise so badly. Maybe my hormones were getting the best of me but it was super unfortunate to get some of the responses that we did, i just wanted people to be happy for us and i know they are but their ways of showing it was totally unexpected. Im happy for us and thats all that matters, But i had to share my rant of how annoying people can be. Heres the photo of our cute announcement just for love🧡💌