Turning down a job offer


I have to turn down a job offer with a good company because of schedule conflict. It's part time but still 5 days a week. 6 hours but more like full time with commute. When applying I was going for 3-10's. Childcare is an option but only part time as I still want to raise my own child and it's been going so great so far. My first year of marriage has been rocky though. I'm able to stay home with my son without financial strain but I still feel guilty because I've been trying to get in with this company for years. Hopefully I can reapply later down the line when my LO is older. I'm okay with both decisions of working or staying home. Just feel entitled and ungrateful for turning down a good job. Just bad timing. I always feel uneasy staying at home because I want to be able to take care of myself. I guess I'm feeling that pressure to meet mom goals but In due time. Can't get this time back with my LO. He's only 16 months and barely talking. I have a life plan for myself. I practice life planning and it's worked out for my family and husband, but I've been on the back burner for a while as life continues to throw small obstacles and set backs.