Christianity has turned my cousin into a nut job


so I have a relative actually 2 that I had to delete off Facebook like 2 years ago bc I would share something about let’s just say a man putting on makeup bc I like makeup and he was good at it, nothing even related to religion or homosexuality or gay rights Everytime I shared something like this they would jump down my throat!!! So every now and then I for some reason go on his page and look to see what ridiculous thing he’s posted now, I’m surprised everytime and idk why at this point. He has a serious issue with gay people And his grandsons seeing gay people on tv (who btw he’s raising bc his daughter is on drugs and has gotten knocked up by four different guys). His friends will sit there and call gay people disgusting and talk about how they should burn in hell and I’m like SO you talk about How you need to speak the truth and save their souls but how are you going to save their souls if you’re setting an example like that???? I was raised in a Christian home and I sure as hell don’t wanna be like you