It was nice while it lasted.

Just a rant here.

My husband will go out for drinks after Friday religiously. In fact getting him to come home immediately after work on any other day is hard, on a Friday is impossible.

I work full time too, and do 99% of things around the house too. I don't mind the rest of the days, BUT I get annoyed on Fridays.

Why? Because I have no rest. I don't have the opportunity to unwind. There are routines here and someone has to stick to them. I'm weekends I do all the housework too. I'm lucky if he either throws a load of washing in, or takes it down.

I don't mind him going out one or two Fridays, and then provided he gives me a break. But it's not like that. It's always just about him and how he needs to unwind while I'm doing pretty much everything. Even when he is home on time he just sits in his phone while I finish everything. If I ask for his help he just says OK, and I have to ask him again and again and he still sits on his phone. He only does it when I eventually do it.

Recently he had to take a break from drinking for health reasons. He said he was going to stop for the rest of the year. So it's been good.

He had a work function a couple of weeks ago, came home late and very very angry with me for no reason. He had been drinking. The next day he said he never wants to drink again.

Today he asks can he have a beer after work. I tell him I'd prefer we don't get into this habit again, where he gets to unwind while I have to do everything and wait for him every single day of the week. He said he's sorry he asked, then sent me some sort of video with people cursing each other and said this reminded him of me. So I asked him, what does that mean, is he flipping me off? He said no.

So then I carry about my EXCEPTIONALLY busy day, finish work an hour late and then get ready for my evening duties. He calls and informs me his boss has conveniently invited everyone to for a drink at his favourite place. I said, but didn't we just have this discussion earlier? He said yes but his boss invited him. I told him why is he even bothering to ask me then, if he's not going to respect how I feel about it.

And lo and behold. I've done everything that needed to be done and guess who I am waiting for. Guess who finished work and hour and a half ago and isn't home.

His argument? It's not even late.

That's not the point at all.

@Lisa he's great most of the time, it's just this Friday thing which drives me up the wall. He makes me laugh and he loves me despite my lunacy and he makes me coffee in the morning before I get up (weird thing to mention but that's his thing he does for me). He provides well financially and does all the things I don't want to do (mostly related to removing bugs from our room now that it's summer). He lets me get all the pets I want (animals are very important to me) and encourages me to do anything I want. When I was unemployed for a few months he told me to just take it easy and enjoy my time off. He puts up with all my weird quirks (like yesterday he came home to find a mini construction zone in our bathroom, he will often come home to find the entire lounge has been rearranged, etc). But this Friday thing, I just can't accept it.