Please help me 😞🙏

I’m a mother of two kids one is 4 and the other one is 2. Ten days ago I notice red spots and I thought it was my period but it wasnt so I took a pregnancy test and came out negative, I still felt something wasnt right so 3 days ago I took a blood test and it was positive I was so happy even though it wasn’t plan I loved him right there. Last night I was feeling cramps and back pain it wasn’t that bad but it was uncomfortable, today we decided to go to this doctor he did an ultrasound and told me he couldn’t find a baby he said I probably had an abortion I told him I didn’t have any blood or anything and he said it was probably still there any that I had to take a pill to take it out. I was in shock and very sad 😞 he told me that I could wait a couple of weeks and see if maybe by some miracle the baby could still be there but too small to see it yet, I have cried so much because my husband thinks I shouldnt keep my hopes up and just end it. Please has anyone gone trough this and what do you think I should do