Tantrums, Help

I already spoke to our daughter's doctor about our concerns and have been doing what they recommend. Her tantrums are so stressful for all of us.

She does the following:

Throws things

Breaks things







Pulls her hair

Lays herself on the ground

Pinches my boobs

Its not all of the time, but its gotten to the point where we cant go eat out and I dread being home alone with her because it's so much stress. I am 36 weeks pregnant and a SAHM. I'm at my wits end. We give her tons of love and attention and try to include her in all of the cleaning and work around the house we do as long as its safe, etc. This started only within the last few months. She used to be so nice and gentle. I don't understand what has happened. She's not jealous of me being pregnant. She actually is very protective of my stomach and is quite excited about "baby sissy". Any advice please! We miss our nice girl. Shes so hard to spend time with..

*Yes we know "terrible 2s", this is beyond some learning stage though. Shes become a completely different child.

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Dude my son is doing the same I have no idea how to deal with it it’s horrible!


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Distraction works the best for us. When she's that upset her brain literally shuts off certain areas so explaining things calmly doesn't work. Start asking questions about things she likes and try to catch her interest. If she doesn't want a hug from you yet (hitting) we use a comfort object like a stuffed animal or a pacifier. After a while my daughter can't even remember why she's mad but she can't calm down. Once we give her the comfort object I can ask for a hug or start chatting with her and she's all better. But I feel you, I'm 38 weeks pregnant and have such a low tolerance for these tantrums! Usually it's in the car because she wanted to play in the snow or something. I don't like the phrase "terrible twos" because they're just learning how to be people and handle all their emotions and wants, doesn't mean they're bad. Good luck and congrats! 💕


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I hate to say this but if you think 2 is bad wait for 3 🤣. Our little boy was like this. Honest we found it so hard. My husband and I were pulling our hair out. But either distractions and calm talking seemed to be the only thing that corrected some of the behaviour. My health visitor said always react in a way that doesn’t reinforce the behaviour and calmly explain why it isn’t acceptable. For example our little boy always got frustrated and went to bite our youngest, normally his fingers. But we had to take him to one side, be calm (this was hard 🤣) and explain that biting hurt, that it had made his brother hurt and that is wasn’t acceptable. And although he couldn’t communicate about a lot of why he did what he did we still asked him why he did it. It usually involves fighting over toys or actually being hungry. Fast forward and he’s now 3....and it ramped up a notch. To the point I called the health visitor back thinking we had some sort of issue going on that needed doctor help or something. But she did all his evaluations and he scored top marks for it all. She said a lot of it at these ages are the lack in communication skills. So they just can’t show/tell you what it is they are feeling verbally in a sentence so a lot of the time it comes out in this wild behaviour. With our 3 year old the thing that was making things 10 times worse and we didn’t realise it was that we hung onto his nap for way too long, he was sleeping 2 hours at lunchtime and then going 7pm til 6/7am. The minute we dropped his nap his behaviour changed almost over night, a lot of the anger and aggression majorly improved. I’m not saying thats what you need to do, but sometimes it’s worth having a few opinions from people who will say things you wouldn’t even think are related! Hope everything is ok, your not alone! And vent as much as you can on here! X


Posted at
Same. Just had a full blown tantrum at midnight last night- was screaming so hard I thought he’d throw up. No answers here, just empathy ❤️


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Same! 😩