Sex education help

When I was six my dad remarried, his wife has three nieces, we were all in his wedding. The next time I visit them we had a sleepover, Micah, the one closest to my age began to show the most interest in me. In fact she didn’t want her sister to play with me, only her. That night she began touching me. I don’t remember much of it she just kept telling me “just wait just wait it’ll start feeling good.” this was how I learned about sex, I thought it was a game. Later a boy at my school started telling that guys play it to we would talk and joking about kissing and oral. We thought we were being funny.

At a very young age (Younger than that kid is the pic) a child should already know and understand that there a place on their body that people can’t touch without your permission.  with that being said it’ll be easier for parents to teach sex education. Do not wait to your child is 12 so much could happen before then.

Now I realize that Micah and her sister was being abused. This is not normal 6 years old behavior. If you have any other things that might be helpful please share. Being sexually abused at young age can really hurt someone forever. They can even become suicide later in life.