Am I in the wrong?

My uncle has stayed at my parents house for 5 days now. He doesn’t plan on leaving and plans to stay here. Not necessarily in the house(at least I don’t think so since there’s not even enough space for the five of us let alone two more people). But since he got here he’s been seeking someone to help him with unemployment. He went to the hospital because he said that he felt sick and I thought he was lying and was just doing that so that they would give him unemployment. Turns out he’s got a uti and his sugar was high. He drank beer like crazy as son as he got here. He always does that anyways which also upsets my mom cause all he does is drink when he comes over. It got so bad one time my dad and another uncle had to hold him up cause he kept falling. So he’s been laying on our living room couch for five days. He doesn’t get up at all. My dad makes him his food cleans up after him everything. He doesn’t lift a single plate. He also has this habit of burping really loud and not saying excuse me. Heck i wouldn’t even consider it a burp, he screams when he “burps” and it scares the shit out of me every time. He keeps saying he’s sick but he doesn’t want to go to the hospital again. He’s always groaning and moaning. He takes pills but they don’t seem to help him. However when he’s on the phone he talks completely normal. He even lied to someone on the phone and told them that he had pneumonia. So my mom and I are somewhat upset because he does absolutely nothing. Well my mom is way more upset than I am. We told my father this today and he got enraged saying that we wanted to throw him out on the street and that were terrible people and that he hopes that when were in need of someone that they turn our backs on us. I never said to throw him out of the street I just told him that I understood why my mom was getting mad and that he doesn’t do anything. I feel like my uncle is ungrateful. Side note: we gave him a present on the 24th and he has yet to open it. Last time we got him a present he talked shit about it. About how crappy it was etc. I want to know. Am I being a bitch? Am I wrong?

Ohhh and also.

He Pees outside of the toilet seat and doesn’t clean up after himself. My dad even mentioned that it was messed up that he did that. I mean who pees and leaves their piss on the floor and doesn’t even bother to try and clean it up? Also, he’s always talking about younger girls in their early 20’s when he’s in his 60’s. It makes me uncomfortable when he talks about them. Like he’ll say stuff like she’s so pretty she wanted to kiss me and have kids with me but I told her no. In my head I’m thinking, why would you tell any of this to your niece? Like what do I say about that? My mom said that she heard him peeing in a bootle, mind you he is in our living room where if anyone leaves there room it’s incredibly visible and you can see everything. He also does not plan on leaving at all. He plans to stay for good which sucks cause we don’t even fit in our house. We don’t have privacy either and it wouldn’t work out since he’s a very heavy drinker. My parents have been arguing the whole time he’s been here and I’m just sick of it. Yet if we tell my dad anything he gets really defensive. My dad admitted to thinking that he was just bluffing about being sick because he would only complain when they were around but once he thought they were asleep he would stop. Yet when I told him that I understood why my mom got mad with him peeing on the floor and all he said that we had terrible hearts and that we’re terrible people. I don’t know how to feel. There’s just so many other problems. I feel like my mom is also very deeply because her mother is in the hospital and she has not seen her in over 14 years and can’t see her due to immigration laws. My dad gets upset that she’ll send her hundreds of dollars and is able to help her mom yet we can’t help his brother by letting him stay at the house.