Binky troubles

Shannon • Married 2015, Baby Girl 2016, Baby Boy 2018,

My 3 1/2 year old daughter has always relied heavily on her binky. For a long time she had it all the time, fairly recently we cut it back to naps and bedtime only. We kept it in her room so she’d go in and sneak it sometimes, but cut back quite a bit. She goes to day care once a week and does fine without it, even for naps. We’ve been talking to her about the binky fairy coming for weeks, and it finally happened last night. She woke up at about 5:30 this am and saw a note, a “big girl” ribbon, and an Elsa Barbie doll from the binky fairy. She was actually really excited, and was fine all day. As soon as bed time came, she lost it. I expected that, but it’s 2 hours past her bed time and she’s still crying for it. She’s been up since 5:30, it’s now 10, this poor kid is exhausted, and just won’t give in. It’s literally breaking my heart. My husband is in her room with her trying to snuggle and comfort her so she can fall asleep, but it’s absolutely heartbreaking. Do any of you have success stories or words of encouragement? What makes it harder is she has a brother that is 2 years younger who also has a binky, we try to limit it to night time/naps only but it’s not perfect. I just need hope that tonight will be the worst of it... I feel like a terrible mom.

UPDATE! Last night went much better! Her big cousin gave her a teddy to snuggle, she still stayed awake late and fell asleep on the couch with her daddy, but slept a lot more once in bed and cried a bit when she woke a couple of times during the night, but no insane melt downs. Progress! Hoping tonight will be even better!

Update again 😩 : it’s day 5 and she still will only go to bed by either falling asleep on the couch watching a movie, or sleeping in our bed. She sometimes wakes up and cries a bit during the night, sometimes she sleeps all night. And she wakes up every morning having a total melt down crying for her binky. We have stopped giving our son his binky during the day so she doesn’t see him with one. It stays in his room and he gets it for naps and bedtime only. I’m running out of steam. As I type this she’s flailing her body around on the floor, throwing the blocks her brother is playing with and screaming “binky”. I feel like we are going backwards 😞