Am I being unreasonable?

So my little girl is 10 months old and I'm currently pregnant with my second (only 7 weeks) but she wakes in the morning between 6:30am and 7am and for 6 days a week I'm the one to get up with her, my husband does the other 1 day.....

I asked him if he could get up just 1 extra day with her so I could have a little bit more sleep as I am shattered and find myself around midday struggling to keep my eyes open with no chance of a nap in a day

His response was no because I'm a mum and have nothing else to do whereas he goes to work....which I agree with to a certain extent BUT next week I also go back to work....

I asked him who gets up with her then and his response was me still, he said I would have to be up for work so why shouldnt I just get up with the baby 🤦‍♀️

All I want is just one more morning of sleep as the chance of that is going to be completely gone once new baby comes along but he thinks I'm unreasonable to ask for that 🤷‍♀️