I hate my husband........

In November I had my precious baby boy and everything was perfect. We finally started our little family and I couldn’t be happier until we got home and taking care of the baby started..... I’m breastfeeding and I don’t pump because he doesn’t seem to get enough when I pump so I’m the one who is always taking care of him. I feel like I have no help at all because I’m the one waking up every three hours while my husband gets to sleep and act like nothing is even happening. On weekends he gets to go out and do things while I’m stuck at home. During the week he goes to work and doesn’t get home until late while I have to take care of a screaming baby all day (having a colicky baby means no sleep for this momma ever 😞). He doesn’t even realize how much I resent him. I feel like my life has stopped while he gets to continue on with his. All I feel like doing is crying and screaming and letting all my frustration out but I can’t I have to hold it together for my baby. I just wish he knew how stressed I am all the time and how hard taking care of a baby actually is. I’m crying out of frustration while typing this and I feel so bad because some day I wish I had never became a mom. I love my baby so much but sometimes it is just to much and I feel like I don’t have help in this at all. I feel like I’m not a good enough mom because of how mad I always am because of all of this. Sorry about such a long post I just needed to vent to someone and this is the only place I can do that.