Pissed, confused, u g h....


I'm sure yall have seen my updates on here...

It's been since October 26 2019 since the first day of my last period, it's now Dec 31st.

15 HPTs, 4 faint positives, 11 negatives. Does not feel like aunt Flo is coming anytime soon, yet my body feels like it's throwing up yellow and red flags everywhere.

I finally have an appt next Monday to see an OB. I really want them to do a blood test or ultrasound, just in case. I feel crazy for feeling so odd thr last few months. One day I'm sick, some days I'm queasy and okay, my breasts are getting larger and my nipples killed me for only a few days, I gained weight in only my belly, my hair is growing and shedding like crazy, I've been hungry and thirsty more than usual, some days I'm dizzy, some days I'm either able to run off a nap or I need 14 hours of sleep... my sex drive plumeted,...I just feel so imbalanced, lately. I'm usually so in tune with my body, and now I have no idea what's going on.

Sorry, needed to rant. My poor husbands been on edge because he is dying to find out what's wrong with me too. Pregnant? Thyroid? Cancer? Who knows.

Following gif is about how my body is talking to me Lmao

Editing this because my body is just not having it. Look at this bloat/belly...

A family member of mine mentioned PCOS. Today I spotted for a hot second and then didn't the rest of the night.