Talking shit

So I learned from my beautiful coworker today that my other two coworkers do nothing but talk shit about me.

So I am a baker at Safeway and I do my job well. I’ve been working there since the end of October and I love everybody there, or at least I used to. I recently found out from my coworker today that my other coworker does my set up for the morning before I come in for my shift. I do my cookies, and I leave by 2:30pm. That’s all I thought the shift was, and I literally told him that I felt like I wasn’t doing enough, and he told me I was doing everything I was supposed to be doing. Well, He apparently goes up to the front and talk shit about me to all my other coworkers, telling me that I’m not doing my job correctly, and I don’t do shit around the bakery. He’s the one who supposed to be training me, But I’ve learned from literally every other coworker who works there except for him. He talks all high and mighty about himself saying that he does everything in the bakery himself, and if it wasn’t for him the bakery would go down and nobody would have hours. He talks crap about other coworker. SO NEGATIVE! He literally stands there and cries wolf after doing all of my work before I even come in for my shift. How is that fair to me? I didn’t know that was my job until yesterday when another coworker told me I was supposed to be doing it. Today I went in at 6:00 AM, I did everything I was supposed to do, and I got out at 2:30pm. It’s the best day I have had since working there, and it went by so fast. I don’t understand why my two coworkers hate me so much. The other one is so fucking rude to me and I’ve ranted on here about her before. She’ll take over everything, put all your shit in the back so you have nothing to bake or pack, and then yell at you for not doing anything. She takes over the ovens, the pans, the counter space, and she will literally shove you in the corner because she doesn’t want you in her way. If you’re doing something wrong, she’ll let you do it wrong and then throw it out. She won’t correct you. Of course management isn’t going to do anything about it, and my boss just tells me not to take it personally, that they mean well and aren’t bad people. I literally had to excuse myself in the bakery last week because I had to go cry in the bathroom. I contemplated quitting my job so many times because of them, but here I am today still standing. All the other bakers that were hired before me have quit because of how bad these two people are. I am the longest newest baker they’ve hired, and I’ve been there for three months. That says a lot.