The Wonder Weeks app...worth the cost?

Randi • In love with my best friend. ❤ 5/26/18 👰🤵 Mama to the perfect baby boy born 11/14/19👶💙

Now that my baby is on the outside all the apps I have don't tell me much about his development. I've heard some good things about The Wonder Weeks app but it's $4.99 so I would rather not buy it and end up hating it. My son is currently going through a phase where he fusses all day unless he's eating or sleeping and will only sleep in my arms. He fights sleep so hard. I'm so stressed out from dealing with an over-tired baby. I'd like to learn more about his development and whether that could be affecting his sleeping habits. And of course for the rest of his development. To those of you who have it, is it worth the money? All advice and opinions welcome!

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